Friday, August 17, 2007

The Eight Steps to Making a Motion

Carl Thormeyer's speech, The Eight Steps to Making a Motion, from the advanced manual Speaking on Television is below. The purpose of this speech is to develop and present an effective training program on television. The evaluations will be given primarily by the team of evaluators:
  • Arnie Buss
  • Scott Wilbur
  • Brian Anderson
  • Fred Sadler
All members are encouraged to give feedback as well by posting a comment. Evalutaions should address the following questions:
  1. What were the objectives of the training program? How effectively did the speaker fulfill the objective?
  2. How was the training program directed towards the needs of the audience?
  3. Was the program organized clearly and logically? Was the audience given the information necessary to accomplish what the speaker wanted done?
  4. Comment on the speaker's voice, gestures, and facial expressions. Were they used with moderation or did they overpower the television viewer? Was the voice modulated in pitch and volume?
  5. Did the speaker appear relaxed, confident, and poised? How well did the speaker relate to the television camera? What, if any, distracting mannerisms did the speaker display?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

"Live In the Moment" - Elie Ishag

This is Elie Ihag's #3 Speech ("Get to the Point") given on Friday, June 15, 2007 at the NPS Toastmasters Club meeting:

Welcome to the NPS Toastmasters Speeches Blog

I created this blog just to put speeches so that members can post comments as feedback. Kind of like the little notes we write to each other during meetings, but more visible and durable. Plus members who have missed the meeting can view it and give comments without overwhelming the "regular" blog.
